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im kinda really tired of people saying they hate country or rap or whatever genre popular culture deems ugly-sounding . ESPECIALLY if theyre one of those bitches that says ' ill listen to any genre except country or rap '

i feel like if people dont like country music theyll either say they dont like the corporate planted songs & out of touch artists ( which are in every genre . if youre gonna hate a whole genre for that you may as well stop listening to music ) OR theyre blatantly against listening to anything made by ' dumb southern hicks ' and thats JUST classism

country and blues are the two closest modern genres to what is now called folk music , which is the foundational music genre in america . seriously . if a genre originated in america you can trace it back to folk music every time . and im a BIG fan of folk music for many reasons , so i listen to it a lot , and listen dog , country is RIGHT on the precipice of just straight up BEING folk music . theyre practically twin sisters

and the primary thing about folk AND country music is that theyre bluegrass ! theyre working-class ! theres a reason work songs end up taking a lot of inspiration from those genres , and its because theyre the foundation for working music in america ( and if you think that didnt include black enslaved workers and POC you are sorely fuckin mistaken . thats also why blues is so closely tied to country and folk aswell )

and everyone has country songs they like ( Jolene , Before he Cheats , etc. ) , and i gauran-fuckin-tee that if you were to listen to some anticapitalist country music you would quickly add those to that list

OH and another thing ill see when talking about country music is people will say they dont like it bc its dominated by men , and babe .... find me a genre that isnt . thats a patriarchy problem and patriarchy permeates everything . BUT all you have to do is type ' country songs by women ' into your search bar and youll find like two million of them for you to listen to . AND THEYRE FUCKING GREAT

i dont know enough about the history of rap to talk near as in-depth about it , but i know that rap has roots in many different black cultures . but i will say that its really not surprising that a genre by and for majority black people about their personal struggles and pulling styles from their cultures is something yall dont like . youre fucking see-though babe

there are exceptions to every rule and you dont need to come out of the woodwork talking about ' i just dont like the sound of it ' because if thats all that it is thats great , but sometimes style preferences are also rooted in bigotry , and maybe perhaps thinking about WHY you dont like it would be good for you . just a thought

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