Welcome to the Birdhouse


Ive met some people who actively dislike instrumental music and i think thats wild . sometimes my brain is too loud and i dont need extra things to really focus on but i still wanna hear something that sounds good . my go-tos for this are jazz , classical , and video game soundtracks

current favorite rendition of any game soundtrack is the orchestral version of the Pokémon ORAS soundtrack , Sinnohvations ( the opening of which is the song that plays when you first enter this site ! ) its so good and its amazing sleeping music

thats probably my favorite utilization of instrumental music , honestly . cause sometimes music with words makes my brain focus on that instead of sleeping , but like . rain sounds or my box fan are too boring . its a great in-between and it helps a lot when i find it hard to sleep . also my friend ash burned me copies of Sinnohvation so its a great lil brain association there . they make me feel safe and so does that music :3

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