Welcome to the Birdhouse

Bluetail's Kittens

  "Are you sure?"

  "They're his kittens too, Silver. He deserves to know."

  Silverfish sighed.

  "Alright, I'll be right back."

  Silverfish walked out into the clearing, not paying the onlookers any mind as she approached Rushriver. She spoke in hushed tones, though Bluetail knew it wouldn't matter. All the cats at the Home were already watching the pair like hawks.

  Bluetail watched Rishriver's ears draw back just slightly, his mouth dropping open. The pair walked back toward her, and the eyes of her family followed.

  Rushriver pushed through the thin ivy, his eyes panicked.

  "Bluetail, are you alright? Did something happen?" He called, louder than he needed to.

  "I'm okay," Bluetail said, her voice just the opposite of his.

  When he really stopped to see her state, his tone softened, though she could still smell the fear on his pelt.

  "And the kittens?"

  Bluetail sighed.

  "Two of them didn't make it." She led his gaze toward the back of the nursery where two small lumps of fur were laid, one grey and one silver.

  "Blue, I'm so sorry."

  "We both knew the chances, Rush. It's nobody's fault." The tom didn't seem to hear her-- his gaze was fixed on their tiny forms.

  "When will they be buried?"

  "In a little while. I asked for some time."

  Rushriver looked at the floor, his face tied in all the furious grief that Bluetail was too exhausted to feel.

  "It's not all bad, though," she said. "One of them was able to make it." She lifted her tail to reveal another kitten, a dark grey tabby suckling contently in its sleep.

  "Oh, it's so small." Rushriver set his head on his paws to look at the kitten from its own perspective.

  "But he's going to be okay. Oddpebble said he's completely healthy."

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