Welcome to the Birdhouse


  As the sky grew lighter, Dahlia found it was difficult to break away from the courtyard entrance. She stood in the doorway for hours, ignoring how her feet began to ache. She was fascinated by the boy in front of her, who looked just like her brother. His dark hair was the same, as was his face. All of his features matched exactly, but there was something in the way he held himself. Yarrow was moving with the utmost care, shifting smoothly between stances. His sword reflected the light of the sun, and his face was stone with focus. His deep eyes held the sun within them. She couldn't pull her eyes from his.

  There were a few times where Dahlia was sure Yarrow had seen her, but if he did, he didn't say anything. Eventually, he began gathering himself. Dahlia had intended to hide as he went to leave, yet she found herself still unable to move.

  "Dahlia, what are you doing? Were you spying on me?" He donned a humored smile.

  "No! I was... washing the doors! Why would I want to spy on you and your lame sword tricks?"

  "It's okay, I don't mind," he said, walking past her. "No need to be embarrassed."

  Dahlia's face turned bright red.

  "I'm not embarrassed, because I wasn't spying on you!" She grabbed her cleaning supplies off the floor, speed-walking to catch up to him.

  "Whatever you say. Want me to carry that?" he said, gesturing toward her cleaning supplies.

  "No, I don't need your help."

  "Alright, alright," he smiled.

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