Welcome to the Birdhouse
currently very in my feels about being queer
queer is normal , and it is revolutionary . it is neutral and it is political . it is real and it is fantastical . it is natural and it is unique . queer is not a mental illness or caused by trauma . queer is in you , it is you , and it was always a part of you . queer is as natural as the air we breathe and the grass we walk on . queer is divine and it is perfect and it is flawed and it is real . queerness is a gift from nature or the gods or whatever you believe in . queerness is not a sin it is not a burden it is not a mistake . queerness is exactly as it should be
queer is loud and queer is gentle . to be queer is to know the best and the worst of humanity , and to continue to live and love regardless . to be queer and survive you must embrace your community . to be queer and live you must go out of your way to help people
queerness is not just being lgbt+ , it is being a poc , it is being disabled , it is being neurodivergent , and the very most of all , queer is being revolutionary and rebellious and angry at the way things are . queerness is everything and anything that goes against the status quo . queerness looks at the people in power and how they hurt people and says ' this isnt right . we deserve better than this ' and fighting for it . queerness is not passive
queer is a slur , and thats exactly why i use it . i am queer because queer is a word that means outsider . it means unfitting , it means threat to the way things are . i am queer because i want to change things and make them better . i love being queer
the goal for this laptop is to look like it belongs to the weirdest middleschool girl ( gender neutral ) to ever show up in a college lecture hall

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