Welcome to the Birdhouse


while i do love being fed well in terms of d20 content i cant help but feel like its really constant and it makes it real hard to actually finish shit bc some days i cant just watch things on time , and then i get so behind . i still havent finished watching the seven even tho i started it ages ago bc i tried to start dndrag and then got behind on that

i am expecially excited about mentopolis tho , a bit moreso than i was for dndrag . i appreciate drag in general but its just not really my scene tbh . the vibes arent what i normally go for i guess -- its a bit more high-energy than i tend to go for . i do still plan on finishing the campaign but idk . in general thats the vibe ( but also part of it is that i just miss the intrepid heroes :( i wanna see another intrepid heroes campaign )

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